

Evaluating user perception toward physics-adapted avatar in remote heterogeneous spaces
Taehei Kim, Hyeshim Kim, Jeongmi Lee, and Sung-Hee Lee
Computers & Graphics, Feb. 2025 [Paper]


ELMO: Enhanced Real-time LiDAR Motion Capture through Upsampling
Deok-Kyeong Jang, Dongseok Yang, Deok-Yun Jang, Byeoli Choi, Donghoon Shin, and Sung-Hee Lee
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH ASIA), Dec. 2024 [Paper] [Project]
SPnet: Estimating Garment Sewing Patterns from a Single Image of a Posed User
Seungchan Lim, Sumin Kim, and Sung-Hee Lee
Eurographics 2024 Conference, Short, Apr. 2024 [Project]
DeepIron: Predicting Unwarped Garment Texture from a Single Image
Hyun-Song Kwon and Sung-Hee Lee
Eurographics 2024 Conference, Short, Apr. 2024 [Project]
DivaTrack: Diverse Bodies and Motions from Acceleration-Enhanced Three-Point Trackers
Dongseok Yang, Jiho Kang, Lingni Ma, Joseph Greer, Yuting Ye, and Sung-Hee Lee
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics 2024 Honorable Mention Award), Apr. 2024 [Paper] [Demo] [Award]
Continuous Prediction of Pointing Targets With Motion and Eye-Tracking in Virtual Reality
Choongho Chung and Sung-Hee Lee
IEEE Access, Jan. 2024 [Paper]
Visual Guidance for User Placement in Avatar-Mediated Telepresence between Dissimilar Spaces
Dongseok Yang, Jiho Kang, Taehei Kim, and Sung-Hee Lee
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Jan. 2024 [Paper] [Demo]


MOCHA: Real-time Motion Characterization via Context Matching
Deok-Kyeong Jang, Yuting Ye, Jungdam Won, and Sung-Hee Lee
SIGGRAPH ASIA 2023, Dec. 2023 [Project]
MeshGraphNetRP: Improving Generalization of GNN-based Cloth Simulation
Emmanuel Ian Libao, Myeongjin Lee, Sumin Kim, and Sung-Hee Lee
ACM Motion, Interaction and Games (MIG) 2023, Nov. 2023 [Project]
Real-time Retargeting of Deictic Motion to Virtual Avatars for Augmented Reality Telepresence
Jiho Kang, Dongseok Yang, Taehei Kim, Yewon Lee, and Sung-Hee Lee
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2023, Oct. 2023 [Paper] [Demo]
DAFNet: Generating Diverse Actions for Furniture Interaction by Learning Conditional Pose Distribution
Taeil Jin, Sung-Hee Lee
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Pacific Graphics) 2023, Sep. 2023 [Project]
MOVIN: Real-time Motion Capture using a Single LiDAR
Deok-Kyeong Jang*, Dongseok Yang*, Deokyun Jang*, Byeoli Choi*, Taeil Jin, and Sung-Hee Lee
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Pacific Graphics) 2023, Sep. 2023 [Project]


The Perceptual Consistency and Association of the LMA Effort Elements
Hye Ji Kim, Michael Neff, Sung-Hee Lee
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP), 2022 [Paper]
Sense of Embodiment Inducement for People with Reduced Lower-body Mobility and Sensations with Partial-Visuomotor
Hyuckjin Jang*, Taehei Kim*, Seo Young Oh, Jeongmi Lee, Sung-Hee Lee, and Sang Ho Yoon
ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Emerging Technologies, Aug. 2022 [Project]
NeuralTailor: Reconstructing Sewing Pattern Structures from 3D Point Clouds of Garments
Maria Korosteleva and Sung-Hee Lee
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), ACM SIGGRAPH 2022, July 2022 [Project]
Motion Puzzle: Arbitrary Motion Style Transfer by Body Part
Deok-Kyeong Jang, Soomin Park, Sung-Hee Lee
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Jan. 2022 (presented at ACM SIGGRAPH 2022) [Project]


Generating Datasets of 3D Garments with Sewing Patterns
Maria Korosteleva and Sung-Hee Lee
NeurIPS (NIPS) Datasets and Benchmarks Track, Sep. 2021 [Project]
Quadruped Locomotion on Elastic Ground using Reinforcement Learning (Poster)
Taehei Kim and Sung-Hee Lee
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Aug. 2021 [Poster]
Multi-scale Mixed Reality Collaboration for Digital Twin (Poster)
Hyung-il Kim, Taehei Kim, Eunhwa Song, Seo Young Oh, Dooyoung Kim, and Woontack Woo
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Aug. 2021 [Poster]
Quadruped Locomotion on Non-Rigid Terrain using Reinforcement Learning
Taehei Kim and Sung-Hee Lee
arXiv:2107.02955v1, July 2021 [Project]
Diverse Motion Stylization for Multiple Style Domains via Spatial-Temporal Graph-Based Generative Model
Soomin Park, Deok-Kyeong Jang, and Sung-Hee Lee
The ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), June 2021 [Project]
Estimating Garment Patterns from Static Scan Data
Seungbae Bang, Maria Korosteleva, and Sung-Hee Lee
Computer Graphics Forum, May 2021 [Project]
LoBSTr: Real-time Lower-body Pose Prediction from Sparse Upper-body Tracking Signals
Dongseok Yang, Doyeon Kim, and Sung-Hee Lee
Eurographics 2021 Conference, in Computer Graphics Forum, May 2021 [Project]


A Mixed Reality Telepresence System for Dissimilar Spaces Using Full-Body Avatar
Leonard Yoon, Dongseok Yang, Choongho Chung, and Sung-Hee Lee
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 XR, Dec. 2020 [Abstract][Paper][Demo]
Placement Retargeting of Virtual Avatars to Dissimilar Indoor Environments
Leonard Yoon, Dongseok Yang, Jaehyun Kim, Choongho Chung, and Sung-Hee Lee
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), August 2020 (presented at IEEE ISMAR 2020) [Project]
Keyframe-Based Multi-Contact Motion Synthesis
Yeonjoon Kim and Sung-Hee Lee
The Visual Computer, 37(7), 1949-1963, 2021 [Paper][Demo 1][Demo 2]
Constructing Human Motion Manifold with Sequential Networks
Deok-Kyeong Jang and Sung-Hee Lee
Computer Graphics Forum, May 2020 [Project]
Effects of Locomotion Style and Body Visibility of a Telepresence Avatar
Youjin Choi, Jeongmi Lee, and Sung-Hee Lee
IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR), Mar. 2020 [Project]


Lighting Layout Optimization for 3D Indoor Scenes
Sam Jin and Sung-Hee Lee
Pacific Graphics 2019 Conference, in Computer Graphics Forum, 38(7), Oct. 2019 [project]
Dart Estimation for Generating Garment Pattern from 3D Models (Poster)
Mingi Yeom, Seungbae Bang and Sung-Hee Lee
Pacific Graphics 2019 Conference [poster]
Interaction Motion Retargeting to Highly Dissimilar Furniture Environment (Poster)
Taeil Jin and Sung-Hee Lee
The ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) 2019 [poster]
Color refinement using deep neural networks for enhancing color recognition in a projector‐camera system
Changgu Kang, Meekyoung Kim, and Sung-Hee Lee
Journal of the Society for Information Display, Jun. 2019 [project]
Perceptual Characteristics by Motion Style Category
Hye Ji Kim and Sung-Hee Lee
Eurographics 2019 Conference (Short Paper), May 2019 [project]
SmartManikin: Virtual Humans with Agency for Design Tools
Bokyung Lee, Taeil Jin, Sung-Hee Lee and Daniel Saakes
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2019, May 2019 [project]


Automatic Path Generation for Group Dance Performance using a Genetic Algorithm
Jeong-seob Lee and Sung-Hee Lee
Multimedia Tools and Applications, Aug. 2018 [Project]
Spline Interface for Intuitive Skinning Weight Editing
Seungbae Bang and Sung-Hee Lee
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 37(5), 2018 (to be presented at ACM SIGGRAPH 2019) [Project]
Projective Motion Correction with Contact Optimization
Sukwon Lee and Sung-Hee Lee
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Mar. 2018 [Project]
Aura Mesh: Motion Retargeting to Preserve the Spatial Relationships between Skinned Characters
Taeil Jin, Meekyoung Kim, and Sung-Hee Lee
Eurographics 2018 Conference, in Computer Graphics Forum, 37(2), 311-320, May 2018 [Project]
Hair Modeling and Simulation by Style
Seunghwan Jung and Sung-Hee Lee
Eurographics 2018 Conference, in Computer Graphics Forum, 37(2), 355-363, May 2018 [Project]


Scene Reconstruction and Analysis from Motion
Changgu Kang, and Sung-Hee Lee
Graphical Models, 94(1), 25-37, Nov. 2017 [project]
Regression-Based Landmark Detection on Dynamic Human Models
Deok-Kyeong Jang, and Sung-Hee Lee
Pacific Graphics 2017 Conference, in Computer Graphics Forum, 36(7), 73-82, Oct. 2017 [project]
Motion Retargeting Preserve Spatial Relationship between Skinned Characters (Poster)
Taeil Jin, Meekyoung Kim and Sung-Hee Lee
The ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) 2017 [poster]
Regression-Based Locating Landmark on Dynamic Humans (Poster)
Deok-Kyeong Jang, and Sung-Hee Lee
The ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) 2017 [paper]
Data-Driven Physics for Human Soft Tissue Animation
Meekyoung Kim, Gerard Pons-Moll, Sergi Pujades, Seungbae Bang, Jinwook Kim, Michael J. Black, and Sung-Hee Lee
ACM Transactions on Graphics, (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 36(4), 54:1-12, 2017 [project]
Multi-Finger Interaction between Remote Users in Avatar-Mediated Telepresence
Youjin Lee, Sukwon Lee, and Sung-Hee Lee
CASA 2017, in Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 28(3-4), 11 pages, May 2017 [data] [paper]
Multi-Contact Locomotion Using a Contact Graph with Feasibility Predictors
Changgu Kang and Sung-Hee Lee
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 36(2), 22:1-14, April 2017 (to be presented at SIGGRAPH 2017) [project]


Retargeting Human-Object Interaction to Virtual Avatars
Yeonjoon Kim, Hangil Park, Seungbae Bang, and Sung-Hee Lee
The 15th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 22(11), pp. 2405-2412, Nov. 2016 (acceptance rate 9%) [Project]
An Eulerian approach for constructing a map between surfaces with different topologies
Hangil Park, Youngjin Cho, Seungbae Bang, and Sung-Hee Lee
Pacific Graphics 2016 Conference, in Computer Graphics Forum, 35(7), pp. 11-19, Oct. 2016 [Paper]
Hand Contact between Remote Users through Virtual Avatars
Jihye Oh, Youjin Lee, Yeonjoon Kim, Sukwon Lee, and Sung-Hee Lee
The 29th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA), pp.1-4, May 2016 [Paper]
Estimating Skeleton from Skin Data for Designing Subject-Specific Knee Braces (Poster)
Seungbae Bang, Meekyoung Kim, Deok-Kyeong Jang, and Sung-Hee Lee
ACM SIGGRAPH Conference, 2016 [Paper]


Trajectory-Free Reactive Stepping of Humanoid Robots Using Momentum Control
Hyunchul Choi, Sukwon Lee, Tail Jin, and Sung-Hee Lee
IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, pp. 1173-1178, Nov. 2015 [Project]
Interactive Rigging with Intuitive Tools
Seungbae Bang, Byungkuk Choi, Roger Blanco i Ribera, Meekyoung Kim, Sung-Hee Lee, and Junyong Noh
Pacific Graphics 2015 Conference, in Computer Graphics Forum, 34(7), pp.1-10, Oct. 2015 [Project]
Avatar-Mediated Contact Interaction between Remote Users for Social Telepresence (Poster)
Jihye Oh, Yeonjoon Kim, Taeil Jin, Sukwon Lee, Youjin Lee and Sung-Hee Lee
The 14th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), p. 1, Sep. 2015
Trajectory-Free Reactive Stepping Of Physics-Based Character Using Momentum Control (Poster)
Sukwon Lee, Hyunchul Choi, Taeil Jin and Sung-Hee Lee
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), p. 202, August 2015
Force Field-Based Control of Dynamic Particles with User-Specified Paths
M. R. Syamsuddin, Jinwook Kim, Sung-Hee Lee
International Journal of Image and Graphics, 15(3), 1550009:pp.1-15, June 2015


Realistic Biomechanical Simulation and Control of Human Swimming
Weiguang Si, Sung-Hee Lee, Eftychios Sifakis, and D. Terzopoulos
ACM Transactions on Graphics, (presented at ACM SIGGRAPH 2015) 34(1), 10:pp.1-15, Nov. 2014 [Project]
Environment-Adaptive Contact Poses for Virtual Characters
Changgu Kang and Sung-Hee Lee
Pacific Graphics 2014 Conference, in Computer Graphics Forum, 33(7), pp.1-10, Oct. 2014 [Project]
SoniControl: Gesture Recognition System for Electric Guitar Using VLF Beacon Signals (Poster)
Sangwon Suh, Juhan Nam and Sung-Hee Lee
International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), p. 1-4, July 2014 [Paper]
Kinematic and Dynamic Modeling of Spherical Joints Using Exponential Coordinates
Jinwook Kim, Sung-Hee Lee, and Frank C. Park
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 228(10), pp. 1777-1785, July 2014 [Paper]
Direction-changing fall control of humanoid robots:theory and experiments
Ambarish Goswami, Seung-kook Yun, U. Nagarajan, Sung-Hee Lee, KangKang Yin, and S. Kalyanakrishnan
Autonomous Robots, 36(3), pp. 199-223, March 2014 [Abstract] [Paper]


Reconstructing Whole-Body Motions with Wrist Trajectories
Hyejin Kim and Sung-Hee Lee
Graphical Models, 75(6), 328-345, Nov. 2013 [Demo] [Paper]
Centroidal Dynamics of a Humanoid Robot
David E. Orin, Ambarish Goswami, and Sung-Hee Lee
Autonomous Robots, 35(2-3), 161-176, Oct. 2013 [Paper]
Contact Surface Graph: a data structure for efficiently finding contact-rich poses of virtual characters
Changgu Kang and Sung-Hee Lee
International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality (ISUVR), p. 1-4, July 2013
An Efficient Motion Graph Searching Algorithm for Augmented Reality Characters
Sukwon Lee and Sung-Hee Lee
Human-Computer Interaction International Conference (HCII), LNCS Volume 8028, 2013, p. 449-458, Las Vegas, USA, July 2013
Fall on Backpack: Damage Minimization of Humanoid Robots by Falling on Targeted Body Segments
Sung-Hee Lee and Ambarish Goswami
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 8(2), 021005-021005-10, Apr. 2013 [Demo] [Paper]


A momentum-based balance controller for humanoid robots on non-level and non-stationary ground
Sung-Hee Lee and Ambarish Goswami
Autonomous Robots, 33(4), Nov. 2012 [Demo] [Paper]


Fall on backpack: Damage minimizing humanoid fall on targeted body segment using momentum control
Sung-Hee Lee and Ambarish Goswami
ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), Washington, USA, Aug. 2011
On Visual Artifacts of Physical Simulation in Augmented Reality Environment
Sinyoung Kim, Yeonjoon Kim, and Sung-Hee Lee
International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality (ISUVR), July 2011
Practical Character Physics for Animators
Ari Shapiro and Sung-Hee Lee
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 31(4), 45-55, July 2011 [Paper]


Ground Reaction force control at each foot: A momentum-based humanoid balance controller for non-level and non-stationary ground
Sung-Hee Lee and Ambarish Goswami
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Taipei, Taiwan, October, 2010 [paper]
Physics-based Character Animation for AR Applications
Sung-Hee Lee
International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality (ISUVR), July 2010
Comprehensive Biomechanical Modeling and Simulation of the Upper Body
Sung-Hee Lee, Eftychios Sifakis, and Demetri Terzopoulos
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28(4), 99:1-17, August, 2009 (to be presented at SIGGRAPH 2010) [demo] [paper]


Practical Character Physics for Animators
Ari Shapiro and Sung-Hee Lee
ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 Talks, New Orleans, LA, August, 2009


Spline Joints for Multibody Dynamics
Sung-Hee Lee and Demetri Terzopoulos
Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 Conference, Los Angeles, CA, August 2008, in ACM Transactions on Graphics 27(3), 22:1-8, August, 2008 [fastforward] [demo] [paper]
Learning Neuromuscular Control for the Biomechanical Simulation of the Neck-Head-Face Complex
Sung-Hee Lee and Demetri Terzopoulos
The Learning Workshop, Snowbird, Utah, April, 2008


Reaction Mass Pendulum (RMP): An explicit model for centroidal angular momentum of humanoid robots
Sung-Hee Lee and Ambarish Goswami
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Rome, Italy, April, 2007 [demo] [correction] [paper]


Heads Up! Biomechanical Modeling and Neuromuscular Control of the Neck
Sung-Hee Lee and Demetri Terzopoulos
Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Conference, Boston, MA, August, 2006, in ACM Transactions on Graphics 25(3), August, 2006, 1188-1198 [demo] [fastforward] [paper]


Newton-Type Algorithms for Dynamics-Based Robot Movement Optimization
Sung-Hee Lee, Junggon Kim, Frank C. Park, Munsang Kim, and James E. Bobrow
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 21, No. 4, Aug. 2005 [paper]


A Modular object-oriented framework for hierarchical multi-resolution robot simulation
Sanghoon Yeo, Jinwook Kim, Sung-Hee Lee, Frank C. Park, Wooram Park, Junggon Kim, C. Park, and I.Yeo
Robotica, Vol. 22, 2004 [paper]


[Book] Symbolic Dynamics and Geometry
Brian Guenter and Sung-Hee Lee, AK Peters, 2009.
[book website]
This book explains how to use the new symbolic differentiation system D* for applications in computer games and engineering simulation. The authors describe how to create procedural 3D geometric models, link them together to form multibody physical systems, and simulate and display their physical behavior in real time. [more…]

Book Chapters

  • “The Reaction Mass Pendulum (RMP) Model for Humanoid Robot Gait and Balance Control,” S.-H. Lee and A. Goswami, Humanoid Robots(editor: Ben Choi), InTech, Austria, January, 2009, 167-186. [link]
  • “Responsive Motion Generation,” Sukwon Lee and S.-H. Lee, Context Aware Human-Robot and Human-Agent Interaction (editors: N. Magnenat-Thalmann, J. Yuan, D. Thalmann, B.-J. You), Springer, 2015 [link]


“Jointrix” [12MB, xvid]
Presented at:
Fast-Forward Session at SIGGRAPH 2008
XXI SIBGRAPI Video Festival 2008
Software Used: Kloseup Remix (
Thanks to Shawn Singh and Brian Allen for voice
“Heads Up, Pat!” [22MB, divx]
Presented at:
Fast-Forward Session at SIGGRAPH 2006
Prixars Animation Festival at Ars Electronica 2007
XXI SIBGRAPI Video Festival 2008
Thanks to Yeu